A Kids for Kids Advocacy Program
Vox Artivism is a 501c3 tax-exempt non-profit
Empowering Youth Through Music Education and Social Activism.
Vox Artivism provides music education through project-based learning experiences for kids, incorporating multi-media disciplines that equip students with leadership skills, global competencies, and platform for their voices to be heard!​
The Stand Up For Something Project
Advocating for Access to Music & Art Education in all California Public Schools
Vox Artivism In Collaboration with The California Global Ed project at Mckinley K-8 School of the Arts Presents
The Stand Up for Something Music Video
@2022 Vox Artivism
The Unmet Need in the Community and Our Solution
The Unmet Need in the Community and Our Solution
Vox Artivism provides a solution for the lack of accessibility to music education, and positive mentorship that many children in Los Angeles face. This is due largely to a problem in the education system at a federal level with lack of sufficient funding for public schools, standardized testing and budget cuts affecting arts programs. In bringing music, arts, and multi-media education to the young people of Los Angeles, Vox Artivism contributes to the movement to assist California schools in meeting the requirements of state legislation for equity access to arts programs for all young people. We are committed to making a difference in our own local community and as global citizens.
Framed within an engaging musical project, we facilitate a multi-faceted program based on a social cause democratically elected by the students. All of our programs are customized to fit the needs of each respective community we serve.
Who We Are
Who We Are
The Vox Artivism team is a collective of professional educators, artists, musicians, filmmakers, lawyers, business people, production designers, celebrity publicists and marketers, who are committed to this effort.
We are committed to making a difference in our own local community and as global citizens.
Our Mission
Our Mission
Vox Artivism empowers children to help others by channeling their energies into productive civic engagement with artistic creative projects. We call this "Artivism," art + activism, and we use it to advance democracy and to teach our children how to participate in the democratic processes that make our country strong and free.
Vox Artivism empowers children through productive civic engagement with artistic, creative, musical projects that help others. We are committed to creating impact within our local community and around the globe that demonstrates for students the power of art and activism.
Provide the Framework for Project Based Learning
Provide the Framework for Project Based Learning
Through local grass-roots musical activism projects with young people, Vox Artivism builds a sense of global community and interconnectedness with the world at large. Using the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals as a framework for the themes of our projects, students elect which goals inspire the focus their creative energies. What follows is individualized curriculum encompassing not only music and the arts but also STEM skills such as math and tech.​
Vox Artivism educates and empower young people to make a difference in the world they will one day inherit.
"Be the Change You Wish to See In the World! "
- Mahatma Gandhi
"Be the Change You Wish to See In the World! "
- Mahatma Gandhi
Music can change the world because it can change people.
non-profit 501(c)3