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"To right the wrongs in history it takes the wisdom of the elders and young people's energy."
Advisory Board
Advisory Board
To our incredible global community of inspiring advisors
Artists, Educators, Activists, & Business Professionals
Thank you for sharing your wisdom!
To our incredible global community of inspiring advisors
Artists, Educators, Activists, & Business Professionals
Thank you for sharing your wisdom!

Ruth A. Valadez, Ed. D
Ruth A. Valadez, Ed. D
Curriculum Development Advisor
Curriculum Development Advisor
- President,SpedEx Consulting, LLC.
- 35 Years in Education as a Teacher and Administrator.
- BA, George Washington University
- MA, Special Education, American University
- MA, Educational Leadership, Wittier College.
- Doctor of Education, Educational Leadership, Teacher Education in a Multiculural Society, University of Southern California.

Chiara Condi
Chiara Condi
International Women's Advocacy Advisor
International Women's Advocacy Advisor
- Chiara is a women's empowerment activist and the founder of Led By HER, a nonprofit that works on advocacy and programs to improve access to women's entrepreneurship, innovation and women’s rights.
- 2017 Woman of Influence Prize (Business and Hope) of the year in France.
- Harvard Graduate
- Masters, Science Po
- Masters, London School of Economics
non-profit 501(c)3
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